Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cervical Spondylitis Ayurveda Homeopathy What Is The Best Treatment Of Cervical Spondylitis Spl In Ayurveda And Homeopathy?

What is the best treatment of cervical spondylitis spl in ayurveda and homeopathy? - cervical spondylitis ayurveda homeopathy

Yoga is the best choice. This is a bone disease and the exercise of the right to correct posture and are the only reliable options are. Ayurveda and Homeopathy can be only one kind of painkillers or massage techniques and oils that can temporarily help, but not cure the problem.

Try Pashchimottanasana, Shalabhasana and ardhmatsendrasana Dhanurasana. These will help. Google can help you do the correct way to these asanas


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